Pedagogical Conditions for Professional Burnout Prevention of the Future Teachers of Art Disciplines




professional burnout; emotional burnout; burnout; teachers of art disciplines; educational and artistic process; depersonalisation; reduction; stress; professional stress.


The results of scientific research of pedagogical conditions for professional burnout prevention of the future teachers of art disciplines have been presented in the article. The psychological prerequisites for the professional activities of teachers of art disciplines have been established, which determine the emergence of emotional tension, including external and internal stressors. As to external stressors, they
are the following: excessive number of concert and stage performances, a significant number of professional commitments, lack of “vital energy”, lack of time for rest, fear of being “thrown out of the stable”, subjective dissatisfaction with the conditions of creative activity, socio-demographic characteristics (age, work experience in a particular artistic group, category, marital status); as to internal stressors, they are motivation, needs, goals and evaluation of one’s own activities. The individual personality traits that determine the professional burnout of future teachers of art disciplines include introversion, a high level of motivation and anxiety, high normativeness or demonstrative behaviour, a high level of concert excitement. The practical significance of the research results is that the obtained results provide an opportunity to improve the professional training system of specialists in the field of art, preventing the negative burnout
impact during the performance of their professional functions.


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How to Cite

Begun-Trachuk, L., & Popovych, N. (2022). Pedagogical Conditions for Professional Burnout Prevention of the Future Teachers of Art Disciplines. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (6).