Study of professional and emotional burnout in foreign psychological-pedagogical theory and practice
emotional burnout; professional burnout; foreign experience; personality.Abstract
One of the acute problems in modern psychological and pedagogical theory and practice is the problem of emotional burnout of pedagogical workers In the process of studying emotional burnout, we first of all encounter with such general methodological problems, such as: the need to take into account all the main factors that are important for the emergence and formation of emotional burnout in a specialist, with the fact of variability of the main symptoms of emotional burnout at different stages of its formation (changes in thinking, behavior, feelings and health); taking into account probable moments in the development and formation of emotional burnout, etc.
In our opinion, the following approaches can be solved by solving common methodological problems: interdisciplinary, systemic, empirical, personal-social-activity, situational.
The article uses a complex of theoretical and empirical methods of analysis, systemization and generalization. Scientific understanding of foreign experience in studying the phenomenon of burnout, allowed to determine the degree of negativity of long-term professional stress, emotionally charged conditions of concert and stage activities and a large number of unforeseen situations of artistic and pedagogical interaction as a determinant of psychophysical burnout, emotional and intellectual I am a specialist.
Thus, the approaches analysed in this article to the study of “emotional burnout” show that burnout manifests itself in various spheres of personality (cognitive, motivational, human rights to work), and there is a connection between burnout and exacerbation in all these areas, it seems to us important. Further research requires the development of technologies to overcome the syndrome identified by Ukrainian
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