Structure of methodological competence of future teacher of art school
professional competence; methodical competence; structure of methodical competence; future teacher of art school; structure of methodical competence of future teacher of art school; solo singing.Abstract
The article proposes the structure of methodological competence of the future teacher of art school. Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, the author finds out that scientists have not previously studied the problem of forming the methodological competence of the future teacher of art school, and did not develop its content and structure. The purpose of the article is to highlight the structural components of the methodological competence of the future teacher of art school. The research methodology involves the use of theoretical research methods, such as: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, systematization, generalization, specification, synthesis and comparison. The article considers the interpretation of the key concepts “teacher’s professional competence” and “teacher’s methodological competence”, disclosed in the pedagogical literature. The content and structure of the related concept “methodological competence of the future teacher of music art” are given. It is emphasised that methodological competence is a determining factor of successful and effective methodical activity of the future specialist. It is found that the pedagogical
conditions, methods and techniques of forming the methodological competence of the future teacher of art school in solo singing classes need scientific substantiation.
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