Professional and personal qualities of choreography teacher at high school



teacher of higher education establishment, teacher, teacher’s professional qualities, teacher’s personal qualitie, art of choreography, choreography teacher.



The article describes the professional and personal qualities of a teacher of a higher education establishment. The main professional qualities of the teacher of choreography are described in detail. The present state of choreographic art and prospects of further development are analysed. On the basis of analysis of scientific literature it is defined certainly most professionally meaningful internals of teacher of higher education establishment. The specific character of pedagogical activity impose, as we have already noted, necessary requirements on teacher which are defined in pedagogy as professionally significant personal skills. The last ones characterize the intellectual, emotional and strong-willed sides of the personality, influence significantly the result of professional and pedagogical activity and define the teacher individual style. A higher education establishment teacher has been always a tutor, however, today education has to be understood as interaction and cooperation between teachers and students in the field of education and their mutual being. The nature of communication between teachers and students has to be humane, democratic, consider traditions of the different people, and be based on universal values. A high school teacher, in particular a choreographer, should set an example for the students. The main professional and personal qualities of a teacher of higher education should be purposefulness, initiative, discipline, demand for oneself and others. The greatest authority among students is a teacher with really deep knowledge, both theoretical and practical, who finds an extraordinary, creative approach to lectures and practical classes, who synthesises different dance styles, deepens the meaningful and emotional content of every movement and gesture. By choosing non-standard solutions to come up the ideas, a teacher-choreographer encourages students in creative searches.


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How to Cite

Vietrynska, A. V. (2019). Professional and personal qualities of choreography teacher at high school. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (3). Retrieved from