Ukrainian folk songs in music education of pupils
art therapy, psyhology of folklore, Ukrainian folk songs, folk vocal ensemble.Abstract
The article deals with the pedagogical potential of Ukrainian folk song in terms of music education of students. Folklore has always been and is one of the most powerful means of moral aesthetic education.
The authors analyse the song of Ukrainian folklore and highlight the importance of folklore values: historical, philosophical, educational, moral, aesthetic, and creative ones. The main components of teaching potential of Ukrainian folk music is intonation feature, simplicity of melodies and rhythmic structure, expression and richness of melody, harmony and close relationship between poetic and musical texts, deep emotion, authenticity, profound statement thoughts, poetry, clean image, deep highly and true meaning, reflection the history of the people, their thoughts and feelings. Folk ensembels are the most accessible and authentic embodiment of the Ukrainian folk songs. Ukrainian folk music has a great pedagogical value and helps educate a highly moral individual, who would have aesthetic, philosophical and artistic aesthetic qualities; develops interest in folk music, artistic taste and imagination. On the other hand, there is a remarkable arttherapeutic component of Ukrainian folk song.
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