Future choreography teacher training in the system of choreographic and pedagogical education in the context of participation of graduating department in complex scientific project
graduating department, future choreography teacher, scientific project, choreographic and pedagogical education, development of creative potential.Abstract
DOI: https://doi.org/10.28925/2518-766X.20172.12327
Future choreography teacher training in the system of choreographic and pedagogical education in the context of the participation of the graduating Department of Choreography and Department
of Choreography and Artistic Culture of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University in the complex scientific project are considered in the article. The basic tasks of the project in the context of the forming of the creative potential of the future choreography teacher are presented. The result of investigation is the following: 1) The aim and tasks of the subtopics of the complex scientific project “Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Development of Future Choreography Teacher’s Creative Potential” are analyzed. The aim of investigation is foundation of the theoretical and practical component of development of future choreography teacher’s creative potential. 2) The results of analytical (2015) and search-activity (2016) stages are highlighted. The theoretical and methodological foundations of development of future choreography teacher’s creative potential are considered, innovative model of future choreography teacher’s creative potential in the process of the scientific-creative projects is proved; the series of scientific-creative projects in the disciplines of choreography cycle are developed and implemented; the series of academic editions from the professional dance disciplines are prepared; the results of investigation in the form of monographs “Theoretical and Methodological Foudations of Development of Future Choreography Teacher’s Creative Potential”, “Methodology of Implementation of Innovative Model in Development of Future Choreography Teacher’s Creative Potential”, publication “Strategies for Development of Choreographic Education”, articles in the professional editions etc. are implemented into scientific circulation and educational process. 3) Development and implementation of educational-methodological manuals, educational programmes and methodological recommendations for students’ independent work in disciplines of the choreographic cycle into the educational process of higher education institution are of great practical value according to obtained results. Among the significant results of implementation of a comprehensive scientific project there is an introduction into scientific community of the edition “Strategy for the Development of Choreographic Education, which was published on the results of the II and III All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation “Modern Development Strategies for Choreographic Education” (May 16, 2015, June 25, 2016, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University).
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