Historical background to establishment of the national instrumental guitar education in the context of music education development



guitarists’ performance activities, national instrumental guitar education, guitar art, history of guitas, music education.


DOI:  https://doi.org/10.28925/2518-766X.20172.8691

The article highlights the historical background to establishment of national instrumental guitar education in the context of music education development. We consider historical events that have influenced the dynamics of the formation of competencies of guitar education in Ukraine.
Based on the analysis of the scientific literature the author shows that guitar education in Ukraine is a relatively new phenomenon. It is examined historical preconditions of the development of national guitar education in the context of three periods of development of music education. During the first period, guitar education is not systemic. Guitar playing is popular among Lviv seminarians and as home performance. The second period is characterized by the fact that guitar art emerges from the global crisis, which has been reflected in national performance and pedagogy. Playing the guitar attracts the attention of professional musicians; it is examined performance abilities of the instrument, its structure and repertoire. During this period, guitar education acquires systemic features. The performance of the guitar players improves significantly, and the repertoire is replenished with the best examples of world classical music. The third period is characterized by intensification of competitive activity in the field of guitar performance. A guitar class appears in the Kyiv Conservatory. In postwar times, the development of guitar performances is influenced by the political situation and sensorship. Besides, the third period is characterized by the flowering of national performers’ schools, the intensification of international relations with foreign guitar performers and educators, which is the basis for the establishment and development of national instrumental guitar education.


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How to Cite

Kovalenko, A. S. (2017). Historical background to establishment of the national instrumental guitar education in the context of music education development. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (2). Retrieved from https://mmod.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/91