Primary specialized education institutions in the system of continuous arts education
vocal and choral art, musical culture, music schools, continuous arts education, adolescents, primary education arts institutions (schools of aesthetic education), art schools.Abstract
The article highlights the essence and importance of primary education institutions in the system of continuous arts education. The concept and significance of continuous arts education, in particular musical and aesthetic, the importance of primary specialized arts education institutions (schools of aesthetic education) in the development, education and professional creative aspiration of the younger generation are determined. The importance, problems and prospects of schools of art in the process of enrichment and development of the spiritual and musical culture of the Ukrainian people have been clarified.
In hard time of reforms and decentralization for Ukraine, we should not forget about spiritual, nationalpatriotic, musical development of our generation. Primary specialized arts institutions (schools of aesthetic education) require revival, functioning, expansion and prosperity, but not destruction in the process of reforms and decentralization. They should be protected by the state,law, to be state, formal and accessible for all. The revival of our society is possible due to a revival and presentation on the higher stage of spiritual, cultural, national, patriotic values of our people, its folk songs, folklore, musical achievements for the bright development of our young generation. Cultural identity always carries the values of a developed, intelligent, intelligent, spiritually enriched, intellectual person in our society.
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