Experience in Implementation of Competence-Based Approach to Continuous Professional Training of Music Teachers in Advanced European Countries
competence approach, music teacher, continuous professional training.Abstract
DOI: https://doi.org/10.28925/2518-766X201611419
The article analyses foreign experience of continuous professional training of music teachers in the Republic of Poland, Kingdom of Sweden, French Republic and Federal Republic of Germany. It identifies the essence of peculiarities and common tendencies in music teachers professional training in European countries mentioned above: increasing attention to continuous pedagogic education; combination of general music education with professional training; gradual complication of music-pedagogical education and increasing number of higher school students; increasing attention to the first stage of higher education (or its reducing); gradual creation of “integration universal establishments” in which specialized secondary and higher education establishments will function for the purposes of music teachers training in different qualification levels. It determines the factors promoting improvement of the content of music teachers’ professional training, recognition of its standards at the world level. The process of continuous professional training of music teachers in advanced European countries has some general specifics — phased training and self-education, based on the competencies identified early personality’s professional orientation towards musical and creative and educational activities, formation of readiness for self-education and lifelong professional fulfillment. This process is based on the philosophical reflection, dialectic of continuity and discreteness unity of quantitative and qualitative indicators in the process of professional and personal experience of future specialists. Every European country also has its own specificity of continuous pedagogical education system, under which a professional development and improvement of future experts covers national, regional and local level. Changes in the labor market contribute the development of idea of music teacher’s career, which is understood as professional growth and personal fulfillment, the use of potential abilities according to own professional experience.
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