Sacred Space and Homo Musicus
sacred space, intoned meaning, musical rhetoric, entelechy, homo musicus.Abstract
Тhe “qualities proper to genuine sacred music” that need to be followed attentively in the composition and performance of new works is in fact a crucial question which requires much more space than the scope of this introduction would allow, in order to be answered adequately. It does not do justice to the nature of music of sacer space to be merely corrected, even according to the above-mentioned principles. In order for sacred
music to reach its full stature, composers and musicians need to exercise true artistry, in which knowledge, inspiration, and skill all play a vital role. Many may object here that this music is for “prayer rather than
performance”, implying that prayer, being a humble, intimates communication with God, excludes or minimizes the need for artistry, which by its nature demands a focus on the externals of minimalistical music-making. There is an element of truth in this, namely, that the relational dimension of the sacer space is of immeasurably more
importance than the artistic dimension. However, it is very relational dimension which should motivate and empower composers and musicians as they devote all of their skill to create something as beautiful as possible for God. In addition, a certain level of artistry in composition can more fully interiorize the meaning of the words and more prayerfully join in the singing of their parts. In the context of sacred music, compositional artistry will be manifested in gracefulness and dignity of melodic line, harmony, and dynamics, rather than in striking effects or grandiosity. The artistic performance of this music by cantors and choirs requires among other things diligent attention to precision of pitch and rhythm, resonance, lively and sensitive dynamics, appropriate tone quality, and clear diction. Such qualities as interiority and unity of sound among voices should preclude any harsh effects or display of virtuosity, however appropriate these latter might be in other contexts. Composers and performers of all kinds of music bear witness to the fact that the phenomenon of inspiration is a mysterious but important element in their creative process, which is directed toward the praise and glory of God.
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