Musical Activities and Games in the Process of Learning to Play the Piano




Game Methods of Teaching Piano, Innovative and Pedagogical Technologies, Music, Musical and Game Activities, Piano


The piano is one of the most popular musical instruments among children. Playing the piano requires some effort from both children and teachers. At the same time, life puts forward new requirements for mastering advanced teaching methods that can provide maximum results. Piano teachers are faced with the task of making learning as meaningful, interesting, and personality-oriented as possible. With this in mind, the issues of finding, developing and implementing alternative forms and methods of organizing training, new advanced pedagogical ideas, as well as the latest educational technologies in the process of learning to play the piano are considered important. After all, technological progress does not stand still. Modern technologies are developing so actively that literally everyone has new products that seemed inaccessible yesterday. Therefore, the task of a modern teacher is to constantly monitor the emergence of new forms, methods of work, new technologies and effective means to maximize the stimulation of creative activity of students. Using the achievements of Advanced Science and technology significantly helps not only to activate students ' attention, but also to achieve significantly better learning outcomes. After all, modern children are the so – called "digital generation", brought up from childhood on free access to digital technologies of our time. This tendency to constantly technize our lives has both positive and negative aspects, but we cannot avoid it. Therefore, it is necessary to find the optimal balance in the use of modern technologies, the latest teaching methods and musical and game activities in the process of learning to play the piano. Modern innovations are designed to form the desire of piano students for independent learning, ideally-lifelong learning. They ensure the creation of a learning environment in which the child learns without compulsion, with great pleasure, guaranteed to learn the necessary amount of knowledge and provided that theory is constantly connected with practice.


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How to Cite

Taran, I. (2023). Musical Activities and Games in the Process of Learning to Play the Piano. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (8), 36–40.