Work on an orchestral work as a means of conducting training of an instrumental student
instrumental student, orchestral work, conductor, orchestral conducting, university educationAbstract
The article is devoted to the actual problem of orchestral-conducting training of instrumental students at the university. The author summarizes the scientific-methodical and own practical experience of the conductor's work on orchestral works of various genres and artistic epochs. The specifics of professional training of students-instrumentalists at the university and the importance of the disciplines of the orchestral-conducting cycle are characterized. The principles of their teaching (gradual and sequence, systematic and accessible, pedagogical expediency and artistic value, collegiality and interest in the results of joint musical-creative activity) are defined. The peculiarities of working with educational orchestras consisting of students with different levels of pre-university instrumental-performing training are revealed. The basic types of a student's work on an orchestral work in the class in orchestral-conducting disciplines: work with a score, analysis of the work by ear, manual technique, creative communication with an orchestral group using special terminology, etc. The work on an orchestral work is defined as a complex process that integrates the student's creative potential and natural musical abilities, his instrumental and musical-theoretical knowledge, musical-performance and emotional spheres, individual and collective. Attention is focused on the role of the teacher of orchestral conducting in the formation of professional skills of the student in the process of working on an orchestral work. Conductor's analysis of symphonic and operatic works studied by instrumental students. The peculiarities of students' educational activity in the class of orchestral conducting in the conditions of distance learning are revealed. The results of the study are summarized and conclusions are formulated: practical study of an orchestral work in a conducting class contributes to the formation of analytical-ear skills, conducting-performing skills, creative imagination, stage culture and professional experience in an instrumental student.
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