Features of Vocal and Choral Training of Future Music Teachers





future teachers of musical art, vocal and choral art, conducting and choral training, vocal and performing training, independent work


The article reveals the peculiarities of vocal and choral training of future music teachers. The current stage of modernization of higher education in Ukraine, which is connected with the integration of our country into the European educational space, actualizes the problem of the quality of professional training of future music teachers. Vocal and choral activity is one of the most important activities of a future teacher-musician, and the training of highly qualified specialists in this field is one of the priority directions of art education.

A promising direction of vocal and choral training of future specialists in the field of musical art during higher education is the arrangement of a certain sequence of teaching professional disciplines and its complex integrity, which includes the disciplines of the cycle of choral conducting, methods of teaching choral conducting, disciplines of choral studies, choral class, practical work with the choir, choral arrangement and reading of choral scores, voice production, vocal teaching methods, practical assimilation of school repertoire, etc. A feature of vocal and choral training of students of higher education institutions of artistic direction is the presence of basic structural components in it, which include conducting and choral and vocal and performing components.

The conducting and choral component prepares students for the activities of a leader of a student choir, capable of organizing and implementing work on choral works at an appropriate methodical level, and capable of creating choral groups for children of various age groups in institutions of general secondary and extra-curricular education. in the workshops of which students will be able to form and develop their own aesthetic sphere, enrich their internal culture, master the values of vocal and choral art, develop their musical, singing, and artistic abilities.

The vocal-executive component prepares students for the demonstration of vocal, vocal-choral works and their fragments during vocal-choral work in educational institutions, and without it, the full functioning of the conducting-choral component is impossible. Independent work of students is also an important component of the professional training of future specialists in the field of musical art.


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How to Cite

Lesnik, O., & Mamykina, O. (2023). Features of Vocal and Choral Training of Future Music Teachers. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (8), 41–47. https://doi.org/10.28925/2518-766X.2023.87