Stages and Pedagogical Conditions for Forming Performance Phrasing Skills of Future Musical Art Teachers in the Process of Teaching Playing Wind Instruments




The article presents the justification of the step-by-step methodology of forming future musical art teachers’ culture of performing phrasing in the process of learning to play wind instruments. The problem of formation of the specified professional quality, which is considered as a segment of performance training that ensures the quality of the artistic-figurative disclosure of the meaning of a musical work, has been actualized. The essence and component structure of the culture of performing phrasing, which is made up of certain relevant performing skills, and the criteria for their assessment make it possible to classify three levels of their formation: high – “meaningful expressive phrasing”, medium – “aspiration for expressive phrasing”, low – “weak perception of phrasing”.

Three stages are presented, according to which the introduction of pedagogical conditions is carried out, each of which aims to positively influence the components of the culture of performing phrasing. At the first stage – motivational-setting – the pedagogical condition of stimulating a meaningful attitude towards the skills of performing phrasing is introduced, which affects the component: “motivation of artistic-technical excellence”. At the second stage – practice-oriented – such pedagogical condition is introduced as the purposeful assimilation of various forms and types of phrasing in the context of the evolution of styles and genres, which affects the component: “competence in working on the performing repertoire and musical texts of pieces”. At the third stage – self-methodological – the pedagogical condition of the activation of methodological self-efficacy in performing and educational processes is introduced, which affects the component: “artistic-communicative content of creative-performing and pedagogical interpretation of musical works for wind instruments (solo, ensemble)”.


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How to Cite

Zhan`, L. (2023). Stages and Pedagogical Conditions for Forming Performance Phrasing Skills of Future Musical Art Teachers in the Process of Teaching Playing Wind Instruments. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (8), 48–53.