Cinquain in Developing the Methodological Culture of a Future Music Teacher Considering Hermeneutic Approach
higher art education; future music teacher; hermeneutic approach; dialogue; cinquain; critical thinking.Abstract
In the context of humanistic paradigm in education, we study the reorientation of the learning process to the category of understanding as one of the most important components in developing a teacher’s professional competences and culture. By designing the methodology for developing the methodological culture of a future music teacher considering hermeneutic approach, we came to the conclusion that this process will be successful provided that the educational process is oriented towards the dialogic interaction of educatees, the choice of work methods and approaches with due regard to their direction towards the search for deeper meanings during the analysis and processing of information, as well as finding the most important and essential fragments in the information material with the further reflection of such fragments. Cinquain is one of such methods and the specificities of its application became the topic of our study. Composing of a cinquain is a form of creativity when an author demonstrates their abilities to find the most essential elements when analyzing the information, make conclusions and summarize them. Out of cinquain varieties, we were most interested in a didactic one, the purpose of which is to ensure the process of free creativity of the individual without focusing on a certain number of syllables, but with semantic and syntactic requirements for each line. The use of cinquain makes it possible to test the acquired knowledge of students within a single topic and content module and, in some cases, to establish interdisciplinary links between several educational components and help students comprehend the process of professional training as a holistic system. In its turn, the creation of cinquains allows students to develop such qualities as thinking and attention, develop their critical thinking, enrich vocabulary, consolidate theoretical knowledge of subjects and, most importantly, to express their own attitude and reasonable stance regarding certain phenomena of the educational process and to show their artistic endeavors and creativity in the process of creation.
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