Development of Pianistic Skills of Preschool Children during the Early Education Period




preschooler, piano skills, pre-reading music period, music education.


The article examines pre-reading music period as a necessary and important period in the process of musicians training. The success of learning at this stage depends on the effectiveness of further mastery of playing a musical instrument. Based on the study of the literature, it is determined that musical development is relevant for the children of preschool age because at different age stages, the child reveals and develops different abilities that correspond to the characteristics of a certain age period. An important sign of a preschooler’s musicality is his creative attitude to music, because while listening and perceiving a piece of music, the child emotionally imagines an artistic image at his discretion, reproducing it in singing, playing, dancing or on paper.
The pre-reading music period of a student-pianist training is defined as the initial period of training, when the student, during active music playing the piano without using sheet music, develops musical and creative abilities, gets acquainted with basic musical concepts, masters posture and forms elementary pianistic skills. The main task of the teacher is to help each student to adapt individually to the instrument, to find their own feelings of comfort, to feel free, natural movements, a relaxed state of the hands and the whole body.
A survey of 124 piano teachers was conducted regarding the features of the introduction of the pre-reading music period in the practice of teaching beginners. The survey proved that pre-reading music training is an important stage of training of beginner and most of the interviewed teachers pay attention to this stage. At the same time, piano teachers do not clearly understand the specifics of this period and most of them do not have the necessary methods and forms of work.
Prospects for further scientific research are related to the development of the authors’ method of the pre-reading music period of training for piano students and its verification during an eaucational experiment.


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How to Cite

Zavalko, K., & Balyura, K. (2023). Development of Pianistic Skills of Preschool Children during the Early Education Period. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (7).