Scientific Approaches to the Development of the Communicative Experience of the Future Artist of an Instrumental Ensemble




higher art education; communicative experience; future artist; instrumental ensemble; scientific approaches; systemic approach; axiological approach; activity approach; competence-based approach.


In the view of modern trends in education, the level of competitiveness and the degree of general and professional competencies development becomes a determining indicator for future specialists. Therefore, our study reviews the analysis and characteristics of scientific approaches, as well as defines and analyses the essence of scientific approaches that will ensure an effective process of developing the communicative experience of a future artist of an instrumental ensemble. To implement the set objective, we used theoretical and empirical research methods (analysis of academic literature, synthesis, systematization, generalization). The analysis of scientific approaches made it possible to single out those approaches that are the most effective for developing the communicative experience of a future artist of an instrumental ensemble, specifically: systemic, axiological, activity and competence-based approaches. In the process of applying the systemic approach, we carry out interdisciplinary integration and establish connections between all components of the educational process. The axiological approach is used to develop a system of general human and professional values in students that determine their attitude to the world, to their activities, to themselves as persons and professionals. The implementation of the activity approach in the educational process brings to the fore the active cognitive activity of students, its practical component, which is supposed to ensure their development, motivation to study and enrichment of experience. By the competence-based approach, scholars mean the focus of the educational process on the formation and development of general and special (professional) competencies of a person, and, for our study specifically, the competence-based approach will contribute to the active research and self-study activities of ensemble artists, their intellectual and cultural development. The implementation of each of these approaches in the educational process guides us towards the development and formation of students’ skills, which ensure the dialogue between the teacher and the student and the interaction between the team members.


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How to Cite

Rymar, I. (2023). Scientific Approaches to the Development of the Communicative Experience of the Future Artist of an Instrumental Ensemble. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (7).