Implementation of the Instrumental and Performing Experience of Students in Concert Activities
creative education; performers-pianists; the formation of musical experience; performing skills; professional pedagogical and pop communication.Abstract
The article is devoted to the problem of students’ upbringing of active musicizing in the process of their performing activity. The aspects of improving the performing level and artistic and aesthetic development of students are considered. It is studied the students’ attitude to musical and artistic activity, to stage performance, which is the main component of fulfilment of a musician’s need to communicate and
involve the listeners to the process of communicating with a piece of music. The necessary pianistic skills, various methods of preparation for a concert performance and for the process of pop performance of musical works are shown. The author considers the integrity of the perception of a musical work, the implementation of the synthesis of author’s and performing ideas, sound material and the search
for its transmission to the listener, the analysis of factors that help professional, creative skill. The formation of a culture of professional-pedagogical and stage communication, the accumulation of relevant experience by students, due to the expansion and interaction of subjects of learning is shown. All this will give an impetus for a high level of communication between the teacher-student, the performer-listener and the achievement of mastery in professional, creative and performing activities. The basis of the student’s performing activity has always been the need to feel with the listener, and therefore the article very specifically shows the communicative aspects of musical performance.
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