Creative Self-Fulfillment of a Future Instrumentalist-Musician by the Means of Jazz Art




higher artistic education; professional training; future instrumentalist-musician; jazz art.


A modern educational system defines an individual’s personality as the highest value. In this regard, the development of creative potential, personal qualities and spirituality of each personality can be defined as one of the main objectives in training highly qualified specialists in the field of music. Professional training of a future music specialist takes different approaches to activity in development of students’ creative skills. In the system of music education, the ideas of creative self-fulfillment of a future specialist have been embodied in many areas. Self-fulfillment depends on value orientations of a person in a particular field of activity. Consequently, the skills of independent creative work are important for a musician as they become essential for self-improvement combined with self-education. An important role is also played by available creative qualities together with intellectual abilities and creative activity of a person.
Development of improvisation skills is one of the factors of a student’s creative self-fulfillment in the course of professional training, in particular, in an instrumental class. Since we emphasize the importance of a creative component with improvisation being an integral part of a creative process and one of the most important means of jazz art, we believe that it would be helpful to study notable examples of jazz music in the training process of future specialists. Within the framework of our study, an important contribution is made through determining pedagogical conditions of creative self-fulfillment of future music teachers in the process of performing, substantiated by Ukrainian scholars: ensuring creative interaction of teachers with students when doing artistic and pedagogical interpretation of musical works with due account of praxeological factors; mastering integrative methods of stimulating creative thinking when applying
various improvisational tasks that actualize the professional experience of a future music teacher. Involvement of a future instrumentalist-musician in jazz improvisation will ensure the implementation of creative opportunities of students, promote artistic thinking development, expand the artistic horizon and improve their instrumental and performing skills.


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How to Cite

Khyzhko, O. (2022). Creative Self-Fulfillment of a Future Instrumentalist-Musician by the Means of Jazz Art. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (6).