Development of Creative Self-Expression of the Future Music Teachers by Means of Information Technologies




development; creative self-expression; future teachers of music art; Information Technologie; educational process.


Based on the study of scientific literature of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, the issues of development of creative self-expression of the future music teachers by means of IT have been analysed. It is found that the current problem of development of creative self-expression of the future music teachers by means of information technologies is insufficiently covered in the scientific literature. This raises the problems of qualification training of the future teachers of music art who are able to work effectively in a globalised information society. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods of theoretical and empirical levels: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, and observation.
The article reveals the essence of the concepts of “self-expression” and “creative self-expression”. The author notes that the creative self-expression of the individual can be both progressive and regressive. It is determined that the clearer a vocation for a person is, the more likely self-expression will be. According to the author, IT tools are the unique instruments which a person can realize themselves through
and express their personality in a creative way. The use of IT in the studied process creates conditions for the implementation of series of functions: stimulating, guiding, organizing, motivating and developing. The author introduces pedagogical principles of creative self-expression of the future teachers of music art through the use of IT tools: the principle of personal orientation, independent activity, modeling, accessibility, as well as psychological and pedagogical conditions: personal comprehension of musical compositions of the future teachers of music art through the use of information technologies; encouraging students to use IT tools productively; providing information and communication comfort when students operate a computer. It is the author’s opinion that the introduction of IT in the educational process will significantly increase students’ awareness of the latest technologies, as well as enrich their musical and artistic knowledge.


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How to Cite

Pavlenko, O. (2022). Development of Creative Self-Expression of the Future Music Teachers by Means of Information Technologies. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (6).