Concert and performance activity in professional training of future teacher of music art




concert and performance activity; artistic creativity; professional training; music teacher; stage performance.


Concert and performance activity is an important component for future music teachers. It encourages them to analyse their needs, interests, inclinations. It contributes to the formation of personal significance, emotional confidence, ensures the independence of the performer in the process of professional training. Thus, the insufficient elaboration of the problem of preparation of a future music teacher for concert and performance activity becomes an actual one in the art educational process. The article is devoted to the problem of concert and performance activity of a future music teacher in the process of professional training. It reveals the principles of forming the readiness of a future teacher of music for concert and performance practice, analyses the research on this issue.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the influence of the concert and performance activity as a kind of artistic creativity on the process of professional training of a future music teacher. The scope of research on this issue includes the definition of the most effective ways and methods of preparing future music teachers for concert and performance activity, as well as numerous aspects of the creative process in which the future musician-performer is involved. The methods and techniques of diagnosing the characteristics of an individual and his performance qualities are of particular importance. This allows identifying “problem issues” that require active pedagogical influence to overcome existing shortcomings.
Universal approaches (systemic, axiological, competence) must be constantly combined with individual-personal, which takes into account the features (physiological, mental, ideological, etc.) that are specific to this person and that distinguish him from everyone else.
The individual-personal approach is one of the most important tasks of studying the professional and spiritual formation of the person for the future music teacher. It defines the ability to create his / her own original musical world embodying the maintenance and values of a mussician-performer as the basic criterion of the readiness for professional concert and performance activity.


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How to Cite

Skuratovska, M. (2021). Concert and performance activity in professional training of future teacher of music art. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (5).