Creative potential of a future music teacher: essense and content of phenomenon
creative potential; future music teacher; professional training; creative personality; artistic education.Abstract
The paper defines the essence and content of the phenomenon of creative potential of a future music teacher. Humanisation of domestic pedagogical science and practice has become dominant in the strategy of educational policy today. The main educational guiding principle is respect for the dignity of a person and development of their potential directed at the future. Creative potential, which is defined by many
scholars as the presence of hidden, unused reserves in a particular type of human activity, becomes a sort of «a core» of a person. A natural self-organization of the creative potential of a future music teacher at all levels of hierarchy of organization ensures the convergence of this system to a certain optimum of negentropic stability due to environment and results in the formulation of the principle of systematic and dynamic complementarity, Le Chatelier’s principle and G. Hilmi’s law. Thus, based on achievements of modern science, it can be stated that the creative potential of an individual is a dynamic integrative personal quality (in the complex of personal abilities, knowledge, skills, beliefs, attitudes, orientation), which determines the need, readiness and ability of creative self-realization and self-development.
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