The structural components of the methodological competence of future leader of vocal ensemble
structural components, future leader of vocal ensemble.Abstract
The article investigates the structural components of the methodological competence of the future leader of the vocal ensemble. The works of domestic and foreign scientists are analysed and the structural components of the methodological competence of the future leader of the vocal ensemble are developed. The essence of the concepts of “vocal ensemble”, “methodical competence” is revealed, the essence analysis and structure of the vocal ensemble has been carried out. The methodical competence of a modern specialist is a complex multi-component concept. Researchers come to the common opinion that methodological competence is an integrative set of knowledge, skills, and abilities that characterize the personality and mediate the specialist methodical experience, it is knowledge in the didactics field, teaching methods. Vocal training is a complex process, the training of the vocal ensemble future leader is impossible without it. The concept of “ensemble” is polysemantic. In musical performance it means any joint performance of a musical work. Therefore, such combinations as trio, quartet, quintet, and others are called ensembles. The vocal ensemble future leader must know the theoretical material and be acknowledged about the methods of working with the vocal ensemble.
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