Synesthesia as a tool for development of musical semiosis among younger students




semiosis; semiotics of arts; synesthesia; synesthesiality; younger pupils.


The paper reveals the concept of semiotics of art as a separate field of study that impacts the process of developing musical semiosis in younger students. Important attention is paid to creation of abstract sensory images in younger students through the perception of synesthesia phenomenon. This ensures the formation of specific synesthetic codes that allow to transmit information at a special cognitive level based on physical and emotional experience of students. Musical art is of great interest for semiotics, aimed at finding principles,
components of the basis of the content formation process in the field of human sensory experience. During the twentieth century, the synesthetic paradigm had been gradually entering the scholarly apparatus of art history and music pedagogy and manifesting itself in the aesthetic aspect of those arts and sciences. While perceiving art, younger students develop metaphors of sensory perception, which unite various sensory systems. Synesthesia promotes the perception of music as the movement of the “sound body” in the imaginary
space with the following coordinates: depth — the texture of the sound; vertical line — harmony; horizontal line — melody. It is music that “awakens” synesthesia, not only through the expressive and personal nature of experiencing color and sound, but also through the specifics of motility and the natural state of a person. The action mechanism of synesthesia as a means of musical semiosis is that a student perceiving or performing music switches between arts. As a result, aesthetic culture of younger students develops and opportunities for optimal achievement of music education objectives uncover.


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How to Cite

Rakhmanova, O. (2021). Synesthesia as a tool for development of musical semiosis among younger students. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (5).