Integration of Music-Performing Cycle of Disciplines into Future Music Teachers Professional Training
integration, music-performing cycle of disciplines, future music teachers, professional training.Abstract
The article reveals the essence of integrating the music-performing cycle disciplines in the process of future music teacher training. Meaningful learning and productive use are possible only when the whole system of knowledge is based on integrated connections and determines the real requirements of the educational process. The challenge of using integrated forms and methods of training is inclusion of all participants into a single process of obtaining and learning. They can be divided into three types: the spiritual and ideological (or theme) type of integration is carried out on themes, that are common to all types of arts; aesthetic and art criticism, which are based on the use of related concepts and categories for different types of arts; comprehensive view of integration.
Integration of the of music-performing cycle of disciplines into future music teacher training process provides the basis for their professionalism by synthesis of professionally instrumental and psychologicalpedagogical knowledge, their personal understanding as well as the development of skills to design outcome musical and educational activities and to carry out its reflexive correction based on emotional comprehension of the artistic content of musical works at individual classes in the class of musical instrument and singing. Students should develop relevant professional skills, which provide ability to see and solve problems of their own performing self-development and future students development. It wiil give students the opportunity to realize themselves as professionals able to self-development on the basis of their own professional features.
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