History of Ukrainian Music Pedagogy: phenomenon of artistic dynasties
artistic dynasties; the Krushelnytskys family; vocal performance; metahistory; creative personality.Abstract
The article discusses the phenomenon of the artistic dynasties in Ukraine, and in particular the one of the Krushelnytskys (the Stavnykovyches). The concept of “dynasty” is treated as a spiritual connection of many generations of one family and the individual subconscious, forming the generic (collective) subconscious and superconscious. It is gradually accumulated and established in each succeeding generation The metahistorical approach, which lies in the basis of the research methodology, actualises the role
of “primary collectives” and communities (family, confessional associations, nation etc), which are crosscutting structures in the development of history. It is not only the horizontal of relations within one or two generations, but also the horizontal of spiritual experience acquired and preserved by a family for many generations. The subject of Ukrainian musical and pedagogical history as a metahistory is the phenomenon of dynasties — creative, scientific, pedagogical, from the plexus of which the spiritual culture of Ukraine was once created and continues its development nowadays. The type of artistic activity of the older generation of the dynasty largely determines the choice of life path, profession, “life trajectory” made by the representatives of subsequent generations. The descendant of one or another dynasty gets a chance to realize a certain social role, to gain a predetermined profession due to devotion to family traditions, a unique environment that is transformed into the inner world of each family member. The creative dynasties of the Lysenkos, Krushelnytskys, Kolesses, Drahomanov-Kosaches, Starytskys, Barvinskys, Nyzhankivskys, Rudnytskys, Shukhevychys and others can serve as examples. A striking example of hereditary creative “relationships” within many generations is the Krushelnytsky dynasty, which originated in the depths of the artistic spirit of the Ukrainian people. The key figure of the musical dynasty was Solomiya Krushelnytska — a world-famous Ukrainian singer, a talented dramatic actress, a teacher who had a brilliant career, promoted Ukrainian folk and professional art. The vocal and artistic traditions of the family were continued by Hanna Krushelnytska (Solomiya’s younger sister), Odarka Bandrivska (niece of the famous singer) — a pianist, chamber singer, teacher, and Iryna Malanyuk (niece of S. Krushelnytska) — a soloist of opera houses of Vienna, Graz, Zurichand Munich. All performers reached artistic perfection and European recognition. The creative dynasty of the Krushelnytskys family created the highest spiritual values of the Ukrainian people, became a symbol of patriotism, civic self-consciousness, continuity of national artistic traditions. The way of life of the Krushelnytsky family is the way of accumulating the experience of history, which became a reflection of the historical destiny of the people, the creation of life, which became the result of the experience of dozens of past generations. The richer the historical and cultural experience of the people is, “the greater the chances for its selfpreservation” are.
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