General music education in Аustria in the context of European and world tendencies


  • Volodymyr Cherkasov Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University



music lessons; development of individual creative abilities; main activities in music lessons.


The article attempts to characterise the state of general music education in educational institutions of the Republic of Austria as well as to determine the content and organization of the educational process, lessons and extracurricular activities on artistic and aesthetic education of children and youth in accordance with the curriculum. The system of musical and aesthetic education of children and youth in the Republic of Austria corresponds to European and world values and is aimed at the formation of artistic and intellectual sphere
of personality and the development of individual creative abilities of each student. Music, as an art form, is included in the curricula of primary and lower secondary school, it is taught by specialists with special music education, who influence the formation of curricula and have methods of conducting lessons and organising extracurricular activities in music and aesthetic education of youth. Тhe innovation of Austrian teachers is to lay a solid foundation of musicality, which means the development of purity of intonation and musical hearing, mastery of vocal and choral skills and skills of expressive performance of musical text, allowing to experience and understand music and navigate freely. Own children’s creativity, own children’s discoveries, own children’s thoughts — that’s what creates an atmosphere
of joy, forms a personality, nurtures humanity, stimulates the development of creative abilities. This is one of the main ideas of the music-pedagogical concept of Austrian teachers. Undoubtedly, more and more attention is paid to the formation of individual values on the examples of communication with works of world music, respect for Austrian folk music, with its inherent melodic and harmonious techniques of self-identity.


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How to Cite

Cherkasov, V. (2021). General music education in Аustria in the context of European and world tendencies. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (5).