Media Education as Part of Educational Process at Higher Music Education Institution


  • O. D. Liashenko
  • L. P. Labintseva
  • T. M. Butenko


media education, media literacy, media competence, media means, future music teacher, basic musical instrument.



The article is devoted to the introduction of media education into the educational practice of higher education music institutions. The authors cover different aspects of the problem and consider media education from the perspective of such phenomenon as media culture, media competence. It is determined that media education as a separate area of knowledge in musical-pedagogical theory and practice allows to create media art images that are created on the best examples of art by means of traditional and new media.
It is examined the use of different types of media at the classes in basic musical instrument; determined peculiarities of the use of new means of media in the process of artistic and pedagogical interpretation of musical composition: musicological, artistic and imaginative, performing, verbally meaningful, visual and associated, integral and dramatic.  Each of the above interpretations are conceptualized by students in seven semesters. During the eighth semester students perform their developed media-competence at pedagogical practice in comprehensive schools. Media education as an autonomous branch in musical and pedagogical theory and practice gives future music teachers opportunity to get a set of knowledge, abilities and skills according to which they can create media art images established on the best examples of art by the means of traditional (printed publications, radio, film, television, photographs, recorded music) and modern mass media (computer-mediated communication, the Internet, mobile telephony). Developed future teachers’ media competence improves the level of their instrumental training at art higher educational institution as well. It is mentioned that further research sould be conducted to test development “microphone culture”, students-performers’ interaction with means of mass media (radio, television, the Internet) in the process of their study at art higher educational institution.


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How to Cite

Liashenko, O. D., Labintseva, L. P., & Butenko, T. M. (2017). Media Education as Part of Educational Process at Higher Music Education Institution. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (1). Retrieved from