Innovative Activity as Component of Future Music Teacher’s Professional Training
innovative activity, innovation, professional training, innovative teaching methods, techniques and forms of teaching, computer technology, students, future music teacher.Abstract
The article defines the essence of the concepts of “innovation” and “innovative activity of future music teacher”. The author analyzes the content of future music teacher’s innovative activities as a component of his professional trainings; establishes the original innovative teaching methods, techniques and forms of using computer technologies during music lessons at secondary and high school.
The article highlights the following methods: method of music composing in styles of the rehearsed pieces with the help of music editor; performance of informative, research-based and creative projects by using computer technologies; elementary playing skills on electronic musical instrument (keyboard, music editor). The last method is realized in two ways: 1) listening of vocal pieces in music editor and then rewriting them, and 2) interpretation of own musical composition text. The current methods and techniques might have the positive influence on the development of students’ creativity.
The author of the paper proposes the following teaching forms in creative activity with the youth: performance of individual, paired and collective (group) assignments; the use of electronic forms of teaching materials in different formats (picture, video, audio, animation etc.); making the self-educative presentations (integration of several files into web-pages) about the composer’s oeuvre and many others. The above-mentioned methodological proposals are referred to combine the emotional, aesthetic and intelligent components in education. They might develop the creative individuality of pupils and become useful for future music teachers during their professional activities at school. The article outlines the perspective of further researches in findings of innovative educational methodological support in the field of music art education.
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