Formation of aesthetic culture of a future music teacher as a psychological and pedagogical matter



personal culture, aesthetic culture, future music teacher, a esthetic culture of a future music teacher, values.



The paper considers the process of formation of aesthetic culture of a future music teacher in the course of professional training. The author studies the subject matter of such concepts as culture, aesthetic culture and personal culture, and defines the structure, components and essence of the aesthetic culture formation process. The paper substantiates the role of having aesthetic and artistic values as they are one of the components of an ideal model of a personality with mature aesthetic culture.
Defining the concept of culture, the author states that there are interrelated factors and results of human activities: material and spiritual ones. Material culture comprises the whole realm of material and practical existence and development of people, the whole sphere of their lives, while spiritual culture comprises values of collective consciousness realm. Aesthetic culture is one of the components of spiritual culture, and spiritual realm is related to material spheres of life, since aesthetic attainments and concepts are generalized and related to different areas of human activities.
The paper highlights that culture marks the modern historical level of development of society, creative energies and abilities of human, and is represented by types and forms of organization of lives and activities of people, and this gives rise to a search for modern society needs in formation of a well-rounded educated teacher, capable of developing successfully and nurturing aesthetically the culture of youth. Personal aesthetic culture is defined as a result of a person’s aesthetic education aimed at development of aesthetic orientations and a system of values in the realm of feelings, needs, interests, ideals and preferences, standards for judgments and principles of aesthetic attitude towards reality. This is a process of consistent and deliberate impact on an individual with a purpose of achieving harmonious, well-rounded development, formation of aesthetic attitude towards life, ability to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding reality, works of art, and actively create this beauty.
Indicators of mature aesthetic culture of a future music teacher include the ability to see and identify aesthetically expressive elements of the whole and the whole itself in the perception of musical material, ability to express own aesthetic impressions, ability to systematize acquired aesthetic impressions, ability to use aesthetic knowledge and skills in creative activities and in everyday life.
It is noted that artistic experience has significant value for a future music teacher, which is gained through the amount of apprehended literary, theatrical, artistic and musical material, scope of common cultural and artistic competence, practical experience in music-making, consideration of personal qualities of students and their psychological traits.


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How to Cite

Vyshnevetska, M. (2020). Formation of aesthetic culture of a future music teacher as a psychological and pedagogical matter. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (4). Retrieved from