Methods of students work on vocal pieces in the class of solo singing
solo singing, student vocalist, professional competencies, teaching methods, means of teaching, educational vocal repertoire, work on vocal piece.Abstract
The article examines one of the aspects of the professional training of future singers and teachers of solo singing in the system of university education. The scientific-pedagogical,vocal, methodical and practical experience accumulated in this area has been analysed. It has been found out that students’ methods of work on vocal pieces require scientific basis. Those methods contribute to the effective formation of professional competencies. On the basis of this, the purpose of the research is formulated and the hypothesis that the preparation of students for concert performing and vocal pedagogical activities will be more effective if the work on vocal pieces rationally combines general scientific, didactic and special musical principles, methods and means of teaching, taking into account modern level of development of the vocal arts. The application of methods of analysis, pedagogical observation and generalization enabled us to obtain positive results of scientific research. The essence of the concepts of ‘teaching methods» and «means of teaching» in the high school and the specifics of their implementation in vocal training of students is revealed. The role of vocal pieces in the formation of professional competencies of students is described. The effective and pedagogically expedient methods of work on vocal pieces in the class of solo singing are determined. We concludes that: 1) work on vocal pieces in the class of solo singing is the most important component of of future vocalists training for their professional activity; 2) students’ mastering of scientifically grounded methods of work on vocal pieces contributes to the successful formation of vocal-performing, vocal-stage, vocal-methodical and other professional competencies; 3) success of students’ work on vocal pieces in the classroom of solo singing depends on the ability of teachers rationally combine general scientific, didactic and special musical principles, methods and means of teaching.
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