New artistic and aesthetic bases of creativity of Ukrainian graphic artists of the period of “Khrushchev thaw”
creativity, graphics, Ukrainian artists, culture, book, art, illustration, style.Abstract
The article deals with the artistic and aesthetic aspects of the work of Ukrainian graphic artists of the period of the “Khrushchev thaw”. The features of stylistic techniques, means of artistic expressiveness of masters of Ukrainian graphics during the 1950s — 1970s are revealed. The graphic cycles of the Ukrainian artists of the sixties, in particular, S. Adamovich, A. Bazilevich, G. Gavrilenko, A. Gubarev, A. Danchenko, M. Kompanets, G. Malakov, G. Yakutovich, introduce new, unusual visual measurements, original, bold and non-standard methods of compositional construction of graphic works and apply new synthetic polygraphic materials.
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