Professional activity of conductor of educational choral collective



choir master, educational choral collective, pedagogical will, artistry



Professional activity of conductor of educational choral collective is considered in the article. It is educed that conductor’s activity is built on rational and emotional basis, it is multifunction and includes the different types of activity : analytical, carrying out, pedagogical and organizational one. It is conducted the analysis of theoretical works of national and foreign specialists, that testifies that in the context of research of dualness of pedagogical process, its productivity directly depends on the specific of mutual relations between a conductor and choristers. It is described professional and psychological-educational quality of conductor of educational choral collective. An educational choral collective is a valuable link of communication process that passes information and hypothetically changes it.
A choral collective is characterized by communicative connections of subjects, that is expressed in such binomial pairs: a composer — musical text; musical text — a conductor; a conductor — choir; choir — a listener; a conductor — a listener, where encoding from one «language» on other happens. The activity of each of the subjects of musical communication shows the complex process of its interpretation. A communication channel is a way through which informational communication between the sender and recipient of musical reports becomes possible, however, of all the possible variants of this channel between various subjects of musical communication, before the detailed analysis, the communication channel will be the subject between the performer and the listener, due to which the act of musical communication will be realised finally.
The activities of the conductor, his professional and personal characteristics play a valuable role in the process of the choir collective. Conducting is one of the most difficult profession. Its structure is multicomponent, and display is multifaceted. The main task of conductor is perception of information, its comprehension, its transfer to other members of the collective, the achievement of the necessary result. In this regard, the choirmaster must possess a number of professional as well as psychological-pedagogical qualities. Professional qualities consist of the natural gift of special studies. Pedagogical qualities are the following: gnostic abilities, psychological and methodical planning abilities, diagnostic abilities, research abilities. Among pedagogical abilities, the first place is occupied by gnostic abilities. They appear in ability to pass knowledge to other persons and provide their mastering. It requires a personal understanding of the knowledge and its presentation in accessible form to each participant of the choir. This is the psychological essence of didactic abilities. Psychological essence of didactics capabilities consists herein. In the same time, a comprehension of the abilities is reason and mortgage of perfection of own carrying out mastery.


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How to Cite

Kifenko, A., & Holyan, H. (2020). Professional activity of conductor of educational choral collective. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (4). Retrieved from