Reforming general musical education in the United Kingdom


  • Volodymyr Cherkasov


artistic and aesthetic education, reforming of general music education, music lessons, curricula, music programs




The article attempts to identify and summarize the main trends in the development of general music education in Great Britain at the end of the 20th — the beginning of the 21st century. The author describes the main approaches to conducting music lessons in primary and secondary schools, and also reveals the peculiarities of reforming general music education in accordance with the National Plan for Music Education by 2020.
The country is a world leader in music education. The study of subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle, among which Music and Art occupy a leading place, is aimed at the comprehensive harmonious development of the child. The issue of inclusion in the curricula of subjects “Music” or “Art” is solved by pedagogical teams and administration of the educational institution.
It is found that in 2012, a National Plan for Music Education by 2020 was approved in the United Kingdom, which provides for a flexible template for obtaining quality music education throughout the school. The plan provides equal opportunities for music education for all students, regardless of race, gender, city of residence, level of their musical development, or parental income. The leaders of each school must decide how and by what curriculum to complete the statutory music training programs that determine what to learn. The Ministry of Education and Qualifications guarantees the provision of comprehensive methodological assistance to school music teachers in the organization of instrumental and vocal education.
Considering that the British are highly respected music and determine it an important factor in the aesthetic education and formation of universal and religious values, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education of the United Kingdom is developing joint projects aimed at promoting the cultural and artistic life of their citizens national and European cultural values. In the country, young people have the opportunity to get a general music education in both general education institutions and centers of artistic and aesthetic education at different levels. Also, young people, together with their parents, attend concert events that involve both professional performers and amateur performers in any genre of musical art.


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Abstract views: 134



How to Cite

Cherkasov, V. (2020). Reforming general musical education in the United Kingdom. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (4). Retrieved from