Integration processes in the professional training of musicians as the basis of their spiritual development



spiritual values, student-musician, pedagogy of high school, psychology of higher education, integration of sciences, integration principle, values of musical art.



The article substantiates the relevance of the introduction into the professional training of students of musicians on the principle of integration. The philosophical and pedagogical definition of such concepts as “spirituality”, “spiritual values” of a student-musician is given.  The purpose of the article is to introduce the principle of integration into professional training, the impact of integration processes on the development of the spirituality of students-musicians. The goal and advantages of integration training as the basis for the spiritual development of a student-musician are determined.The humanistic paradigm of education (V. P. Andrushchenko, I. A. Zyazyun, A. M. Stepashko) is the methodological basis for solving the problems of the article. A synergetic approach to the processes of development and self-development of spirituality, the thinking of the student, his creative “Self” (V. G. Budanov, V. V. Vasilkov). One of the areas of development of the conceptual foundations of the moral development of student-musician is the introduction into the educational process of the principle of integration of knowledge about the spiritual sphere of man, spiritual values, as the foundations of human culture.It is impossible to give education on the principles of a particular science, regardless of other sciences. This integration is an organic combination of the information of other educational disciplines around the topic of music, musical interpretation, is one of the most promising innovations that imposes new conditions for the activities of teachers and students, has a great influence on the effectiveness of the perception of young musicians learning material. Integration processes in the professional training of young musicians have become more and more important in recent years as they are aimed at implementing new educational ideals — the formation of a holistic knowledge system about musical art and performing skills, the development of students’ creative musical abilities and spirituality. The essence of the principle of integration is based on scientifically grounded, organic interpenetration of different areas of knowledge: in the form of a set of associations, symbols, categories, etc., taking into account the psychological and pedagogical features of the personality of student-musician in order to optimize and increase the effectiveness of forming a coherent picture of the world, value orientations and phenomena of art within the same subject. Thus, the use of the principle of integration in educational activities (in reliance on the widespread use of subject relations) contributes to developing, humanistic learning, in turn, stimulating the spiritual development of a student-musician.


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How to Cite

Poluboyarina, I. I. (2019). Integration processes in the professional training of musicians as the basis of their spiritual development. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (3). Retrieved from