The music-folklore sources of the cultural landscape of Ukraine
folklore, music folklore, rite, art, world picture, endogenous codes.Abstract
Theorisation of music and folklore sources of the cultural landscape of Ukraine is done. The author has focused on the cultural understanding of the essential content of the category — folklore as the earliest type of folk artistic culture. It is based on the ethnic and national picture of the world. The author has emphasised that the national-ethnic picture of the worldview and world reflection is defined as the single cognitive orientation, which is the non-verbal and implicit expression of the group understanding of the “life rules”, caused by the social, natural and supernatural forces. The author has underlined that the musical folklore is a national mode in the Ukrainian traditional culture. It forms values and behavioural guidelines for the representatives of the community. They look like the grammar rules, reflected unconsciously by many people, structurise and direct their linguistic behaviour. The art historical analysis of the musical and folklore component in the rites of the Ukrainians is traced. The theorisation of the folklore as a type of culture, which shows the worldview of the subject and the system of its sociocultural orientation, allows us to understand its transformation and historical social dynamics.The purpose of the article is the cultural reflection of Ukrainian folklore as a the reflection of the worldview. The latter depends on the changes of the socio-historical realities in the folk wisdom, which forms the spiritual world as well as in the spiritual culture of the nation and the individuals. It changes as the embodiment of the people’s knowledge and values.The methodology of the research includes the using of the wide range of art history and musicology methods of the representation of the musical and folklore material and the analysis of academic commentary literature. In addition, the author applies the methods of the systematic review of the works of musical and folklore spectrum and the artistic activity of the individuals in the context of the Ukrainian rituals, which have allowed the author to use the the results of the research of the culturological system in the analysis of the facts of the manifestations of the sphere of musical folklore and their place in the Ukrainian life practices.The scientific novelty of the work is the representation of the Ukrainian music folklore as a type of culture, which differs from the professional and the mass ones. It expresses the national picture of the universe and the value-normative system of the people’s life. The author considers the picture of the world as the representation of the surrounding reality, the features of its perception, caused by the unity of subjective and objective conditions and factors of the formation of the national landscape. It allows the theorists and cultural practitioners to realize the significance of the music and folklore concept in the formation of the fundamental values of the Ukrainian nation. Thus, we should research the folklore, taking into account the actual content of the surrounding reality and human activity, its subjects (a bearer), social content, forms of life and functions, etc. It becomes possible if we consider the folklore as the reflection of a picture of the world that changes in accordance with socio-historical processes. We should note that folklore is a type of art as well as a folk wisdom that forms the spiritual world, the spiritual culture of the people and individuals. Finally, it is the embodiment of knowledge, values, norms and the patterns of social groups, communities and individuals.
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