Consciousness as a personal new formation and the determinant of future teachers’ valuable orientations in artistic education



higher artistic education, professionalization, consciousness (self-consciousness), professional and outlook meaningful activity, understanding as methodological regulator, integrability and polycentricity.



The determinants of value orientations of a teacher of higher artistic education are identified, qualitative and instrumental properties of a teacher’s consciousness are determined, the relationship between value and sense-bearing processes at the level of cultural and personal senses and outlook priorities correlated with the main messages of postnonclassical science are revealed in the article on the bases of humanistic personally oriented paradigm. Different vectors of deployment of consciousness (self-consciousness) as a teacher’s personal formation in artistic education are considered, the positions which lay the theoretical basis for the development of value and sense-oriented learning, its multicultural, pedagogical and individual-personal contexts are formulated.


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How to Cite

Tusheva, V. V. (2019). Consciousness as a personal new formation and the determinant of future teachers’ valuable orientations in artistic education. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (3). Retrieved from