Strategic guidelines for development of artistic education in interdisciplinary discourse



strategic benchmarks, development, artistic education, interdisciplinary discourse, communicative practices.



The interdisciplinarity of artistic education lies in the versatility of the influence of art on all cognitive processes of man and the ability of artistic-figurative embodiment of any topic and plot that concerns the person — the artist and the recipient.The origins of interdisciplinarity as a scientific paradigm lie in the theory of communication. The basis of interdisciplinarity lies in the scientific semantics: interdisciplinarity performs a syntactic role, on the one hand, and on the other, contributes to the growth of semantic connections in schemes and transitions between different subject areas. A promising strategic direction is to increase the cultural intensity of all academic disciplines. Simplified-practical use of art as an illustration, «figurative confirmation» of life’s phenomena ignores its high purpose.Practices pay attention to the use of interactive teaching methods: discussion, round table, project method, synectics, inversions, etc. In the implementation of research projects students apply a phenomenologicaldialogue / polygon. The use of this method creates conditions for the analysis, reflection and self-assessment of students in the organization of their educational activities. The transition from interdisciplinary integration to lessons to interdisciplinary integration with project forms of learning is a prerequisite for building an innovative model for the development of post-classical artistic education.


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How to Cite

Oleksiuk О. М. (2019). Strategic guidelines for development of artistic education in interdisciplinary discourse. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (3). Retrieved from