The features of instrumental and performance training of future music teacher at concertmaster classes



instrumental and performance training, concertmaster skills, music teacher.



The article presents one of the most current problems of modern music education concerning concertmaster training of students in higher education institutions of arts as one of the priority components of their future profession. The author of the article notes that music lessons in secondary school encourage teacher to the active manifestation not only of music and performing skills, but willingness to perform concertmaster job at a high professional level. A wide range of music teacher’s concertmaster activities results in a whole set of his professional skills such as: coordinating teacher’s performance activity with the soloist, the ability to read musical scores sheet, edit it, transpose the music material, pick accompaniment, if necessary, simplify or complicate maintenance, perform own song accompaniment etc. In light of this, the weight of the concertmaster classes increases, which acquires the status of primary professional development of future expert.
The author of the article highlights the features of instrumental and performance training of future music teacher at concertmaster classes and exposes potential possibilities of students’ music and performance development during these classes, in particular, development of future music teachers’ skills and abilities that are unique for concertmaster activities. The author points out such skills as: ability to accompany own singing, combine accompaniment while singing a soloist party, simplify or complicate the texture of musical accompaniment, read three rows of musical scores sheet, transpose music in connection with  tessitura capabilities of performers, pick the melody and detailed accompaniment to it, ensemble skills, etc. The article states that concertmaster classes allow future music teachers to master necessary knowledge for future professional activity and skills and to fill the performance store with works of school repertoire.


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How to Cite

Khodorovskyi, V. I. (2017). The features of instrumental and performance training of future music teacher at concertmaster classes. Musical Art in the Educological Discourse, (2). Retrieved from