Theoretical and methodological foundations of work with student chorus group in the context of modernization of art education
vocal and choral activity, methodological training, art education, vocal and choral work, student choir.Abstract
The article investigates the actual problems of modern pedagogical science — students training in arrangement of students’ vocal and choral work at school. It examines basic theoretical and methodological approaches to the solution of contemporary problems of vocal and choral works and future music teacher training in the context of modern requirements for higher art education. It determines the complex of functions, methods and means of students training in arrangement of students’ vocal and choral work.
The main approaches to organization of vocal and choral musical activity that are considered by us are the following: humanistic, aesthetic, culture studying, communicative, reflexive, creative, and projectoriented. Implementation of communicative and creative approaches to music teacher training encourage him to implement wide creative types of work and collective art in the process of education, which contributes to development of spiritual needs in performance and other types of musical and performance activity. Theoretical and methodical instruments mentioned above has become the basis of creative activities of the student choir “Gaudeamus” of the Institute of Art of Kyiv Borys Grinchenko University (conductor — Svitlana Ryabinko, accompanist — Oksana Bichkova).
Pedagogical conditions for future music teachers training are developed for effective management of students’ vocal and choral activity, as follows: orientation of methods and forms of organization of informative and practical activity of students to understanding the specifics of vocal and choral work with students, motivation for personal creative self-realization in vocal and choral activity, integration of received knowledge, skills and abilities from different areas of art to pedagogical choral and vocal work at school.
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